OmniClass® 建築分類系統(或簡稱 OCCS)
是一種專門為建築行業設計的組織和檢索信息的方法。OmniClass 對於建築信息模型 (BIM) 領域的許多應用程序都很有用,從組織報告和對像庫到提供一種通過數據匯總或向下鑽取以獲取滿足您需求的信息的方法。
編碼 分類 數量
22-03 00 00 混凝土 Concrete 6
22-04 00 00 圬工 Masonry 7
22-05 00 00 金屬 Metals 1
22-07 00 00 隔熱與防潮 Thermal and Moisture Protection 43
22-08 00 00 門窗 Openings 26
22-09 00 00 裝修 Finishes 215
22-10 00 00 特殊設施 Specialties 136
22-11 00 00 設備 Equipment 34
22-12 00 00 裝潢 Furnishings 33
22-13 00 00 特殊構造物 Special Construction 3
22-22 00 00 配管工程 Plumbing 18
22-23 00 00 暖氣通風和空調設備 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) 719
22-26 00 00 電機 Electrical 41
22-28 00 00 電子安全和安保 Electronic Safety and Security 4
22-32 00 00 室外改善 Exterior Improvements 12
22-33 00 00 公用設施 Utilities 9
22-34 00 00 運輸 Transportation 3
22-43 00 00 製程用氣體和液體處 Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment 62
23-11 00 00 現場工作 Site Products 9
23-13 00 00 結構與外殼裝飾產品 Structural and Exterior Enclosure Products 19
23-17 00 00 開口通道和保護產品 Openings, Passages, and Protection Products 125
23-27 00 00 一般設施服務產品 General Facility Services Products 74
23-29 00 00 設備和乘員保護產品 Facility and Occupant Protection Products 44
23-31 00 00 管訂製產 Plumbing Specific Products and Equipment 107
23-35 00 00 電氣和照明訂製產品和設備 Electrical and Lighting Specific Products and Equipment 268
23-37 00 00 信息和通信的特定產品和設備 Information and Communication Specific Products and Equipment 1
