Project Name / 項目名稱: Sneakerology&Streetology
Location / 地點: Sydney, Australia Area / 面積: 55m2,30m2 Client / 業主: Design Company /
設計公司: Facet Studio Design Team / 設計團隊: Olivia Shih, Yoshihito Kashiwagi Lighting /
燈光設計:Electrolight Photos / 攝影: Katherine Lu
Sneakerology時尚店位於澳大利亞悉尼,由 Facet 工作室設計。在一系列整齊排列的200毫米 x 600毫米 的格子裡,精心地收藏著各式各樣的運動鞋。這些格子都是一模一樣的,上下兩行格子錯位半個格子的距離,如此這般重複下去,鋪滿了整個牆面。假如只是一個格子的話,並沒有什麼特別之處,但是當281個格子無限重複的時候,就創造出了一種奇特的視覺效果,帶給了人們一次愉悅的視覺體驗。
Streetology的T恤衫都是存儲在直徑100毫米,高1500毫米的標準化的塑膠管子內。每一個自動售貨機可以容納15個塑膠管子。店鋪內總共有170個這樣的自動售貨機,因此就能展示出2550件T恤衫。每當賣掉一件T恤衫,一根管子就會從自動售貨機中消失。 設計師設計出了一個自動售貨機與塑膠管結合的系統來體現這種商業價值。就一個自動售貨機來說,貨物是在垂直方向上進行變動的,但是當170個重複的自動售貨機放在一起時, 就形成了一種模式,在水準方向上也可以形成一定的變化。 迄今為止,並沒有出現一種可以稱為“街道學”的學術領域,但是這家店鋪中視覺上的變化在一定程度上反映出了街頭潮流。它創造出了一種令人興奮的購物體驗。
In each of the 200mm x 600mm boxes, one by one, sneakers are carefully collected. The boxes are repeated, and offset by half unit on each level, and carried through repeatedly over an entire wall. Something which has little meaning on its own, when repeated 281 times over, it creates a euphoric effect for one to experience a heightened emotion. The merchandises neatly displayed in the fashion similar to the museum artefacts; through touch panels centrally located within the shop, one can gain further understanding of the background stories of the merchandises. Although there is really no such field of study as “sneaker-ology”, by placing our design focus on ways to correctly understand the merchandises, it is for us an attempt at capturing “sneakers” in a scholarly fashion. “That one is nice….. this one is nice too!”; There is no better way to shop than whilst enjoying an academic high. Within plastic tubes of standardized 100mm diameter,streetologytee's shirts are stored and merchandised. Within dispensers of standardized 100mm wide by 1500mm high, a maximum of 15 plastic tubes are stored and displayed. Then by repeating the dispensers by 170 times, we are now able to display a maximum of 2,550 tee shirts. If we sell one tee shirt, one plastic tube disappears from the dispenser.
We designed a system of dispensers and tubes to visualize commerciality; although on its own, the stock quantity of the tee shirts fluctuates vertically within the individual dispenser unit, however after 170 repeats this fluctuation forms a “pattern” horizontally across the dispensers.
There is no such field of study called “Streetology”; but this shop is a visual reflection of the street trend. It creates excitement by drawing a parallel between the shopping experience, and the act of flipping through pages of magazine asking oneself, “I wonder what is popular now on the streets!”
原文出處:FRASHION Shop-時尚店鋪設計
作者/《國際最新室內設計》編寫組 出版社/拓客