質感光環境 國門新氣象

看見忠孝引橋拆除後的北門,其實我的心裡是相當悸動的,因為這裡充滿兒時的美好回憶。當時北門周圍還是圓環,週日跟著家人在城中長老教會做禮拜,聚會時間很早,陽光自東側邊灑落北門起翹的燕尾上,悠然的將北門的影子越拉越長,屋脊的形狀在地面變形成了長長的角似的,覺得頗為有趣;接著車子慢慢駛近,壓過了地上尖尖的影子後彎進一旁的小路。回想這一幕,以光 描繪現代(打造現代台北光軸)30才知道我和這裡情感的聯繫早已超過想像。
特別的是,這個案子是由周鍊老師特別帶領我們原碩團隊執行的,老師對於光環境的最終理想,是以光 書寫歷史(喚醒歷史記憶)希望透過『光』讓我們的心安定下來,而後得到平安。一再提醒著我們,面對城市夜景過度追求視覺效應的現在,不能一昧的被科技帶領,而是要去思考光與歷史、光與生態、光與人本之間的關係,規劃的心態是要尋求更人性的設計,起心動念不能有偏差,才能創造心與身的心靈環保、景與境的自然環保。
Light Environment : A City’s New Icon
With the end of the Taipei Lighting Festival this year, we can clearly see that the face of the Western District of Taipei Cityhas slowly changed. In 2016, Taipei City Government has spent 6 days to demolish the 39 years old ZhongXiao Fly Over Bridge,in order to preserve the North Gate, a symbol of the former glory of Taipei City. In the near future, tourist all across nations may enjoy the beauty of Taipei’s Western District as a whole, as it offers rich historical values that will surprise us in every corner.
On this project, our Originator Lighting Design Consultant team was led by the renowned Chou Lien, one of the global leadersin this field. We incorporated his ideals during our design phase: designing light to comfort people, to let people achieve a peaceof mind through lighting design. He reminded us repeatedly during our early design phase of the urban lighting plan, that we shouldn’t be misguided by technicality and specifications; instead we should reflect on the relationship between light and history,environment, and people. The resulting design is not only human-centric, but also a sacred connection between human and nature,to encourage human to protect environment through light.
Light creates boundaries of space for human to do their activity, and also provides human with a visual scene. Light, inarguably plays a huge part in human’s daily lives. North Gate, now as the brightest point in Taipei’s Western District, is a symbol of the beginning of the city, a memory worthy enough to be passed down from generations to generations. The story doesn’t stophere, as the nightscape should be integrated for the whole city, using light, as a medium to pass on historical and cultural values, to achieve a better harmony between human and the nature.